High-res, Photographic, Premium Smart Object Mockups.
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- B-BO-V1 (Book Covers, Hardback)
Regular price$62.00Sale price$35.00
We wanted better mockups, so we made them. From real photographs, with top-of-the-line equipment, our mockups are quick and simple to use.
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- DR2 Drink Can Mockup$7.00
- DR1 Drink Can Mockup$7.00
- DR24 Drink Cans Mockup$9.00
Used by Pentagram, Robinhood, Futurebrand, Matter Branding, Lululemon, and more.
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Mockups A–Z
How to Use Mockups - Pro Tips from a Mockup Maker
Since we make mockups, we're pretty familiar with the ins and outs of what makes them tick. Here are a few tips we've learned and how you can use them to improve your documentation. -
How to Use High-Quality Billboard Mockups to Enhance Your Advertising Strategy
Are you looking to enhance your advertising strategy with visually stunning billboard designs that effectively convey your brand message? Look no ... -
Professional Photo Mockups for Designers: An Ultimate Guide for Better Designs
As a designer, you know the importance of showcasing your designs in the best possible way to attract more clients. A photo mockup is a vital tool...